Group discussion (GD), by virtue of the term, means exchange of views by participants on a given subject. The whole idea is to bring together a set of people on a common platform to share their ideas, thereby giving an opportunity to exhibit not only their knowledge, but also to understand and enhance their learning by absorbing the thoughts of other people.

Better understanding of the subject

GD offers a great opportunity to the discussants to take a deep dive into the subject, and understand it profoundly. It expands the horizon of knowledge and learning. In addition, it extends a chance to the participants to improve their abilities to think critically and develop their analytical skills.

Improve listening skills and confidence

Since GDs necessitate the contribution of ideas and thoughts, the participants are required to be listening keenly to others’ observations. In this sense, group discussions are a fantastic way to enhance listening skills, and also boost the confidence of speakers by engaging them and encouraging them to express their thoughts.

Enhance communication and interpersonal skills

While one aspect of GDs is that it encourages people to share their knowledge, the other important aspect is that it gives an opportunity to people to build their communication skills. The participants, in the process, learn how to express their ideas while also respecting viewpoints of others. This in turn contributes to the development of interpersonal skills among the peer group.

Team building exercise

GDs help in developing teamwork and leadership attributed in people, which are extremely important in the current context. Working in a group helps them increase tolerance and respect towards others, and also how to unanimously arrive at conclusions.

Nitin Sharma

Founder & CEO

Education enables a person to face new challenges, achieve progress and to lead a successful life. I, Nitin Sharma (Founder@ Fli-Hi) therefore, would like to encourage all pupils to acquire right education through right educational institution. I appreciate both the parents and the students for having made a right choice of choosing FLI-HI Advanced Institute.

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Fli-Hi Institute works with their pupils in such a way as to modify their concepts, ideas, imagination about themselves.